So I said I would come back here and share with you my progress with catching up with my 2014 Project Life album. This album is centred around capturing my son’s first year. So it begins at Feb 6 the day he was born through to his first birthday. I sort of got lost somewhere when I began to get…
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Project Life ~ Week 2
So I am here to share Week 2 of my Project Life for 2015. I know this is a bit weird as I have already shared Week 3. This is because I was working in chronological order however when I received my SCRAPPERY KIT it worked better with my week 3 photos as I had photographs of ice creams and…
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Project Life ~ Week 3
So trying to keep on top of things and I am proud to say that my Project Life for this year I am keeping up to date. I believe this is because I have implemented better planning. I think for a structured project life Project Life that you really need to ‘plan’. That also seems to be a trending theme…
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Project Life Plans for 2015
My first Project Life blog post for 2015. I wanted to come by and share with you my thoughts and plans for Project Life for 2015. This is my first year doing Project Life as a whole family thing and not being totally directed to my son’s first year album (which I still have not finished, however he only turned…
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